Zac vs Alexei [H*T]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Zac vs Alexei [H*T]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2021 9:41:33 GMT
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"Good thing I saved Bulu for last," Zac said, grinning at Alex. The battle had been close, as one would expect from a showdown between Gym Leaders, but Zac had one thing that the Fortree figurehead didn't have. A tree. No, wait. 

The massive coastal pine soared through the air like a festive Arceusmas spear. Dark branches fluttered, leaving a train of needles in the air as it shot towards Aerodactyl. 

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Alexei Ivanov
Zac vs Alexei [H*T]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2021 10:11:14 GMT
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“Are you seriously going to yeet a tree at me?” he asked, bewildered at the occurrence.

Admittedly it was the very first time that he had used Mega Evolution across all those in his collection that he knew who had access to the funny-looking marbles.

It was also—a feat in itself, considering that Terra was one of his wilder (not to mention angrier) companions.

The now-spikier (and angrier) Aerodactyl let out a primordial sounding roar, before meeting the incoming… tree… head-on and flying above, attempting to grab the tree with a Sky Drop before flying higher into the sky.

complete an endeavor: use Mega Evolution!

M!Aerodactyl attempted to use Sky Drop!

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The Robust
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Zac vs Alexei [H*T]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2021 11:17:18 GMT
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"I didn't chuck anything at ya!" Zac said, grinning, "Bulu did! And watch out, it looks like there's another incoming!" Bulu tore out another of the pines, roots and all, and swung it like a tremendous WOOD HAMMER, smashing in into the dropped tree and obliterating them both. The spray of wood chips and barky chunks filled the air.

Bulu let out a deep bellow, chips in the air swelled and split. NATURE'S MADNESS struck, and suddenly, the arena was filled with a lattice of aerial thorns. Grasping, clawing brambles that smothered the free space up above and threatened to cage in the Aerodactyl. 

Bulu smashed the dropped tree with WOOD HAMMER
Bulu used NATURE'S MADNESS on the woodchips, turning them into aggressive, aerial brambles

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Alexei Ivanov
Zac vs Alexei [H*T]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2021 11:27:54 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“Okay that’s one angry Bulu you have there,” he said as he raised his arms to block the incoming wooden shrapnel. Yikes!

Up in the sky, the Aerodactyl was not amused at the sight of all the incoming shrapnel, and in a shriek quickly summoned a ring of boulders in an attempt to protect himself—a defensive variant of Rock Slide!

However, there would still be splinters and shards that would slip through. Another angry howling came from within the hovering circle of rocks, before some of them started to fall down towards the ‘enraged’ Tapu.

M!Aerodactyl summons a Rock Slide in an attempt to block incoming damage, however some wooden shrapnel still gets through the cracks! Some of the boulders are falling towards Tapu Bulu.

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The Robust
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Zac vs Alexei [H*T]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2021 11:35:12 GMT
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"Of course Bulu's angry. You woke it up!" Zac said, chuckling. He'd seen the same thing a half-dozen times this tournament. Bulu was not a happy chappy when woke up from a nap.

The rocks from above pinballed downwards through the vines, slamming into the ground and Bulu itself. The legendary roared, and redoubled its NATURE'S MADNESS. The vines snaked through the air, now as thick at Zac's arms and many times as thorny. The brambles worked their way through the rocky shield, digging at the hide of the Aerodactyl and trying to twist around the wings of the beast.

Bulu was hit by ROCK SLIDE
The vines are digging through the ROCK SLIDE shield to wrap around M!Aerodactyl

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Alexei Ivanov
Zac vs Alexei [H*T]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2021 11:52:07 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

There were—things, that were going through Alexei’s mind at the sight of the vines suddenly becoming really spiky and… well, let’s just say that those things should not publicly be mentioned lest the thread get deleted!

He blinked at the sight though.

And then heard the roaring coming from within as the ‘shield’ began falling apart to reveal the Aerodactyl that was about to get snagged—

Just as he was about to shout at the Aerodactyl to fly out of the area, Terra decided to drop down—like dangerously low, going faster and faster, hurtling towards the ground. Never mind if the vines were snagging and trying to stop him, he wanted to crash-land into the angry, angry bovine in a—

Last-ditch Iron Head attack!

M!Aerodactyl is stubborn! Decides to ‘death drop’, never mind if he gets tangled and attempts a last-ditch Iron Head!

(Mega Evo on 3 / 3, fading next turn)

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The Robust
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Zac vs Alexei [H*T]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2021 12:00:48 GMT
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Bulu saw the Aerodactyl drop, and rose to meet it. The plummeting IRON HEAD met with Bulu's MEGAHORN in a thunderous clang and, when the smoke had cleared, only Bulu was left standing. The bull wobbled slightly, and staggered off into the trees. It was time for a nap. "Where are ya goin mate! It's time for watermelon!" Bulu turned. It liked watermelon. 

Minutes later, Zac, Alexei, and their Pokemon were seated at the 7v7 table, with a full watermelon in front of each of them.

Up first was Busta! The Clawitzer swiftly cracked the watermelon with her huge claw, splatting chunks on the table. Her antenae waggled with glee as she picked up the pieces and slid them into her probing mouth.


Roll with your post
Roll over 80 and your Pokemon gets sick from eating too much/too fast! (And their roll doesn't count)
Highest total at the end wins

Zac total:

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Alexei Ivanov
Zac vs Alexei [H*T]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2021 12:44:22 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

He blinked again.

“Whoa, uh… okay, can I use some chocolate sauce for my share?” he asked as they were whisked away to a long table with a lot of watermelon.

Oh no.

He had a bunch of picky eaters, thankfully he didn’t bring Carina along because that would have been torture for the tiny Ribombee.

“I—most of my companions don’t have opposable thumbs, only claws. Can I slice the watermelon for them?” he asked, picking up a knife as his Braviary was first up to the table.

Once the slices had been doled out, he shrugged in Kyouya’s direction. “Go nuts,” he said with a chuckle as the blue-plumed Braviary attacked his share of the watermelon…


‘battle’ theme

endeavor completed: post a battle theme!

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The Robust
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Zac vs Alexei [H*T]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2021 13:05:21 GMT
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"Of course mate!" Zac said, watching as Shin the Rydon stuffed the whole watermelon in his mouth. Shin wasn't going to waste such a sweet treat, especially since he didn't have to share this one with a house full of half-siblings.

"They wanna see how much watermelon we can eat, not how good your Pokemon are with a knife!" Zac laughed. Barely any of his Pokemon were good with knives. 


Roll with your post
Roll over 80 and your Pokemon gets sick from eating too much/too fast! (And their roll doesn't count)
Highest total at the end wins

Zac total: 9

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
Zac vs Alexei [H*T]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2021 13:11:23 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Once the Braviary was done with his share it was time for the Salamence to step up to the plate.

Gabriel tilted his head, extremely confused at what was going on.

“Go on, take a bite. I swear, Gabe, it’s tasty. You saw Kyouya eat like a madman, right?” he said, tilting his head in the direction of where the blue-plumed Braviary was now shaking his head clean and spitting out watermelon seeds.

“Yeah… trust me. It’s harmless! he continued as he sliced more chunks for the draconid to eat, taking care not to cut his hand in the process.

That was bad enough as it is.


‘battle’ theme

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The Robust
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Zac Ramsay
Zac vs Alexei [H*T]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2021 13:19:22 GMT
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Shin, as usual, went too hard, too fast. The greedy devil gorged on watermelon and paid the ultimate price: he threw up behind the tent. "Don't worry mate, I'll grab you a smaller one on the way home, yeah? Something to share with the family." Shin threw up again, louder.

Bulu, meanwhile, was less reserved, learned nothing from Shin, and grabbed his own fruit between two clanging hooves and stuffed it right into his legendary cheeks. 


Roll with your post
Roll over 80 and your Pokemon gets sick from eating too much/too fast! (And their roll doesn't count)
Highest total at the end wins

Zac total: 27

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
Zac vs Alexei [H*T]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2021 13:28:16 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“Oof,” he grimaced with a sigh as he watched the Rhydon run away so quickly—guess it had gotten too greedy for its own good.

As another watermelon was rolled his way, this time it was his Lucario that came to the plate. Just as Vincent was about to smash it open, Alexei stopped the jackal Pokémon.

“No, you’re going to wreck it,” he said with a sigh.

“Sometimes you hit things too hard. Let me do the cutting.”

Once the watermelon was sliced into chunks, he then backed away.

“Go on, then. You impatient thing,” he added with a soft chuckle as the Lucario then picked up one piece, and then another, with his paws.


‘battle’ theme

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The Robust
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Zac Ramsay
Zac vs Alexei [H*T]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2021 13:48:24 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

Zac cracked open a can of Kyle Krush. "Hey Alexei, you want one?" he asked the fellow gym leader. "There's a bit of Kyle in every can!" he joked. Really it was a bit of Kyle's dogs. 

Speaking of, Zac had brought along three purebred advertising dogs. Two of the Lycanroc wore slick sunglasses, had hibiscus flowers in their hair, and wore little capes enblazoned with the Charja Cola logo. The third Lycanroc wore an Articuno suit. It never hurt to rep AQUA. 

The first Lycanroc cracked his watermelon with strong jaws, catching Zac in an explosion of fruity flavor only comparable to cracking open a fresh can of Charja Cola. The dog set to work, snarfing and gulping down the watermelon. Zac didn't worry about it eating too much, he'd had the forethought to prefeed these three on Charja Cola.   


Roll with your post
Roll over 80 and your Pokemon gets sick from eating too much/too fast! (And their roll doesn't count)
Highest total at the end wins

Zac total: 103

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
Zac vs Alexei [H*T]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2021 13:59:04 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

He sighed at the way his Lucario behaved.

“See, I told you,” he began with a sigh, shaking his head as the Lucario made a run for it somewhere. He had a nagging suspicion the other would return much later, considering that he’d been humiliated in front of so many people…

All while eating watermelon.

At the mention of there being bits of the Champion in the can, Alexei cringed.

“You—you can’t be serious…” he said, leery about the offered can as this time, his Noivern stepped up to the table, ready to scrap with some watermelon.

Once the watermelon had been sliced, more were rolled their way—and the Noivern had already began eating his way through the assembled fruit in front of him.


‘battle’ theme

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The Robust
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Zac Ramsay
Zac vs Alexei [H*T]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2021 14:15:40 GMT
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"Nah just pulling ya leg," Zac said, cringing as he watched Lucario run off to join Shin. 

Scruffles did a great job, and didn't overindulge at all. "Who's a good boy!?" Zac asked, scritching the hell out of the rough-coated dog. "It's you! Yes it is! Yeah whozagoodboy!??!"

Meanwhile. the second good boy, Whipso, tore the watermelon apart with his claws. As he did he cackled happily. It was soothing, really. It reminded Zac of


Roll with your post
Roll over 80 and your Pokemon gets sick from eating too much/too fast! (And their roll doesn't count)
Highest total at the end wins

Zac total: 122

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